This module provides functionality for querying Danbooru image board using its API.
It includes a class `DanbooruIdQuery` which extends `_BaseWebQuery` to perform
tag-based searches on Danbooru, handling authentication, pagination, and result filtering.
import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Union, Callable
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import httpx
import requests
from .base import _BaseWebQuery
from ..utils import get_requests_session, srequest
[docs]class DanbooruIdQuery(_BaseWebQuery):
A class for querying Danbooru image board using tags.
This class extends _BaseWebQuery to provide specific functionality for
interacting with the Danbooru API. It allows searching for posts using tags,
handles authentication, and provides methods for pagination and result filtering.
:param tags: A list of tags to search for on Danbooru.
:type tags: List[str]
:param filters: Optional list of filter functions to apply to the query results.
:type filters: Optional[List[Callable[[dict], bool]]]
:param username: Optional username for Danbooru API authentication.
:type username: Optional[str]
:param api_key: Optional API key for Danbooru API authentication.
:type api_key: Optional[str]
:param site_url: The base URL of the Danbooru site, defaults to 'https://danbooru.donmai.us'.
:type site_url: Optional[str]
[docs] def __init__(self, tags: List[str], filters: Optional[List[Callable[[dict], bool]]] = None,
username: Optional[str] = None, api_key: Optional[str] = None,
site_url: Optional[str] = 'https://danbooru.donmai.us'):
_BaseWebQuery.__init__(self, filters=filters)
if username and api_key:
self.auth = (username, api_key)
self.auth = None
self.site_url = site_url
self.tags = tags
def _get_session(self) -> Union[httpx.Client, requests.Session]:
Initialize and return a session for Danbooru API requests.
This method attempts to create a session with appropriate headers and
verifies it by making a test request to the Danbooru API.
:return: An authenticated session for making requests to the Danbooru API.
:rtype: Union[httpx.Client, requests.Session]
while True:
session = get_requests_session(use_httpx=True)
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
logging.info(f'Try initializing session for danbooru API, '
f'user agent: {session.headers["User-Agent"]!r}.')
resp = srequest(session, 'GET', f'{self.site_url}/posts.json', params={
"format": "json",
"tags": '1girl',
}, auth=self.auth, raise_for_status=False)
if resp.status_code // 100 == 2:
return session
def _get_length(self) -> Optional[int]:
Get the total number of posts matching the query tags.
:return: The total number of posts matching the query tags, or None if unavailable.
:rtype: Optional[int]
resp = srequest(self.session, 'GET', urljoin(self.site_url, '/counts/posts.json'), params={
'tags': ' '.join(self.tags),
}, auth=self.auth)
return resp.json()['counts']['posts']
def _iter_items(self):
Iterate over all posts matching the query tags.
This method handles pagination, making multiple requests to the Danbooru API
as needed to retrieve all matching posts.
:yield: Dictionary containing information about each matching post.
page = 1
while True:
logging.info(f'Query danbooru API for {self.tags!r}, page: {page!r}.')
resp = srequest(self.session, 'GET', f'{self.site_url}/posts.json', params={
"format": "json",
"limit": "200",
"page": str(page),
"tags": ' '.join(self.tags),
}, auth=self.auth)
if not resp.json():
yield from resp.json()
page += 1
[docs] def __repr__(self):
Return a string representation of the DanbooruIdQuery instance.
:return: A string representation of the instance.
:rtype: str
return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} tags: {self.tags!r}>'