
This module provides data pool classes for accessing Gelbooru image data.

It contains two classes:

  1. GelbooruDataPool: For accessing the full Gelbooru dataset.

  2. GelbooruWebpDataPool: For accessing the WebP-formatted Gelbooru dataset with 4M pixel images.

Both classes inherit from IncrementIDDataPool and provide easy access to the respective datasets stored in Hugging Face repositories.


class cheesechaser.datapool.gelbooru.GelbooruDataPool(revision: str = 'main')[source]

A data pool class for accessing the full Gelbooru dataset.

This class inherits from IncrementIDDataPool and is configured to access the full Gelbooru dataset stored in the ‘deepghs/gelbooru_full’ repository.


revision (str) – The revision of the dataset to use, defaults to ‘main’.

__init__(revision: str = 'main')[source]

Initialize the GelbooruDataPool.


revision (str) – The revision of the dataset to use, defaults to ‘main’.


class cheesechaser.datapool.gelbooru.GelbooruWebpDataPool(revision: str = 'main')[source]

A data pool class for accessing the WebP-formatted Gelbooru dataset with 4M pixel images.

This class inherits from IncrementIDDataPool and is configured to access the WebP-formatted Gelbooru dataset stored in the ‘deepghs/gelbooru-webp-4Mpixel’ repository.


revision (str) – The revision of the dataset to use, defaults to ‘main’.

__init__(revision: str = 'main')[source]

Initialize the GelbooruWebpDataPool.


revision (str) – The revision of the dataset to use, defaults to ‘main’.