
This module provides a data pool implementation for Realbooru dataset.

The RealbooruDataPool class extends the IncrementIDDataPool to specifically handle the Realbooru dataset, which is stored in a Hugging Face repository.


class cheesechaser.datapool.realbooru.RealbooruDataPool(revision: str = 'main')[source]

A data pool class for accessing and managing Realbooru dataset.

This class inherits from IncrementIDDataPool and is specifically designed to work with the Realbooru dataset stored in a Hugging Face repository. It provides an interface to access and manage the data using incremental IDs.


revision (str) – The specific revision of the Realbooru dataset to use, defaults to ‘main’.

__init__(revision: str = 'main')[source]

Initialize the RealbooruDataPool.


revision (str) – The specific revision of the Realbooru dataset to use, defaults to ‘main’.